One of the reason why I was so determined to learn to crochet is that my Grandma can crotchet really well and has made all her grandchildren layettes when they were born, including on for my Cabbage Patch doll she brought me when I was little. I knew that she had made a receiving blanket for my SIL when they had there first child, however as she is now 96 and almost blind from Macular Degeneration it had not even entered my mind that I would be lucky enough to receive one for my new baby. So when she visited me in hospital after having Sebastian and presented me with this lovely crocheted blanket, I was extremely surprised.
Turns out that as soon as she realised that she was having problems crocheting due to arthistis and eye sight problem she started the blanket for me to put away until it was needed. She started it 5 years before I had Sebastian, before Andrew and I were even married. She wasn't able to finish it my Mum had to do some it of which is why some of the boarder is a nice fine lace pattern and some is quite plain (My mum can't crotchet as well as my grandma) but I can definitely say that it is treasured item that one day I will be able to pass down to my grandchildren.
Great work! See practice does pay off!!! Looks like there'll be two of us teaching crochet come 2010!!!
Your granny square looks great, mine are never square! The blanket your grandma crocheted is just stunning, what a treasure :)
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