I told myself I wouldn’t, I really really shouldn’t but I decided I never know if I can do it till I try.
Try what exactly you may ask, well write a blog post each day and not only that but try to find some things to write about apart from my quilting/sewing and my darling boys.
So I decided to give it a go, I promise I will try really really hard to do a blog post each day but I think I failed with the two last advent along so we will see how I go.
If I get myself motivated enough I might even through in a giveaways as well.
Lastly as I always try to put in a photo with every blog post this one is for a special friend. Car, I am not sure if you have realised that they are available in the shops yet, must be getting close to Christmas.
Car will love you forever!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ihadnt seen them yet! So are these part of the giveaway??? If so count me in ;)
Oooh, magical elves! Christmas CAN'T be that close... oh no, I won't allow it!
Happy Blogtoberfest!
I thought of Car as soon as I saw that picture :)
Glad you are Blogtobering too.
How excited will Car be!!! I am unoffical Blogtober blogger!! xxx
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