Saturday, December 11, 2010

Advent Blog-along Day 9

I have decided to just blog when I can this festive season, to many other things going on in the background that I don’t want to bore you all with here. So some of these post may be a bit delayed (like today I have three posts for you)

In many ways my darling Bastian is a normal rough and tumble boy but then he also has an overall cautious side that prevents him from sliding down slides by himself or climbing to high. So you can imagine my delight when he worked out the other day that our driveway makes a perfect slope for his little push along bike.


At first I felt I was a bit overprotective worried that he might come off and scrap his legs/feet or even worse go on to the road, but do the fact that we are very slack and our driveway does still not line up with our crossover (we have only been in this house for 9 years) he worked out the perfect way to stop himself.

(does anyone know how to add video to blog posts without uploading it to YouTube)

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