Saturday, October 1, 2011

Blogtoberfest - Day 1

I wasn’t going do it, I told myself I do not have the time, but as I read more and more post today I see a recurrent theme – people saying the wish they would blog more and maybe this will get them back into it. So here we go.

Go where, well for those of you who don’t know (and it most likely isn’t many) Tinniegirl is once again hosting Blogtoberfest, which is where you challenge yourself to post every day for the month of October, last year I tried and managed to do 17 posts, so I while I am hoping to blog all 31 days I will be happy to at least get to 18 posts.

I have loaded the blogger app to my phone in the hope that it will give me the chance to do a post at any time of the day.

As for what to post about that is easy as I have only managed 11 post this year, and 7 over those were in January I have lost to tell, My trip to Sydney for the day for SIT (yes I know I was meant to post about that months ago, told you have I have been slack) Lachie’s 1st Birthday, Bastian 4th Birthday, bee blocks I have made for Oh-Beehave (MMQG bee) and much more.

But for now I am going to leave you with one image especially for my good friend Carphoto
See you tomorrow


Becky said...

Happy Blogtoberfest to you :)

Car said...

Hmmm, yum! I did get your email, just been crazy day but guess whats on the shopping list???

quilary said...

Thanks for the hint about the app for Blogger. That might help keep me on track too!

AJ said...

Happy Blogtober!! Looking forward to your posts!